Frequently Asked Questions
What is a NextGenLeaders project?
NextGenLeaders helps young people to feel empowered to make a positive difference in their local communities. Along the journey, we offer sessions with key stakeholders and charities so that changemakers develop an understanding of the issues that need to be addressed while working with other members of their communities and business.
Why is NextGenLeaders unique?
NextGenLeaders is unique as the projects help changemakers to gain an in-depth understanding of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of their learning. We are proud to say that our changemakers create sustainable projects that have positive impact across the full range of SDGs.
What does the programme cost?
The programme is currently free for all schools enrolled. We even offer means-tested project funding for schools that need the most support.
What does a programme year look like?
A programme year is designed around the academic calendar. See this in action here.
What can the changemakers do a project about?
The changemakers can do a project about any issue that is affecting their local community. The people that their project is helping have to be within the local community. We encourage our changemakers to discuss and research topics that they feel passionately about by using resources like our issue cards.
What is the level of commitment?
There should always be a member of staff supervising sessions and available for the programme manager to contact. We recommend that teams meet with their supervising staff member at least once a fortnight to check in on progress and so that we can offer support. Find out more about this by reading our MOU.
​How can my school get involved?
To get your school involved in the programme get in touch with us today, please contact Becks Wheatley at rwheatley@enactus.org.
What age are the changemakers who are involved in your programme?
We encourage changemakers to enroll on our programme from KS3 onwards. Our research has shown that the earlier that a young person interacts with our programme, the more likely they are to experience positive educational outcomes as a result.
Why is there a competition?
Competition is an integral part of our programme because it encourages the changemakers to create meaningful projects and learn from best practice.
How many changemakers can be involved?
We recommend that there are between 6 and 12 changemakers per team, ideally working in mixed-age groups. You can have multiple teams per school provided that the member of staff has the capacity to oversee them.
What resources do you offer to support projects?
NextGenLeaders will support levelling up your school's social action by providing resources (introducing changemakers to local issues and the UN SDGs) and support (by encouraging attendance at our events and providing a Programme Manager).
How can the programme support the school's Careers Lead?
Our programme is aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks and offers positive interactions with employers.
What are your safeguarding policies?
It is mandatory for changemakers to be escorted by a member of staff from the school/college to and from all events. Schools must supply their own First Aid at events. Changemakers are not allowed to contact our staff or supporters directly. Any safeguarding concerns should be escalated directly to Becks Wheatley (Safeguarding Lead for NextGenLeaders) at rwheatley@enactus.org. The Safeguarding Lead for Enactus is Amy Brereton who may follow up if needed.
If we haven't answered your question, please do contact us and we are most happy to help.
Page updated on 13th August 2024