Memorandum of Understanding
The purpose of the NextGenLeaders programme is to support school and college students from year 7 upwards to experience project-based learning and make a positive contribution to their community through youth social action and enterprise. Students develop their independent learning skills as well as learn to reflect on experience to develop empathy, curiosity, and creativity by delivering social impact and enterprise projects to meet a specific local identified need.
Enactus UK Ltd. commits to:
Providing support from a full-time Programme Manager.
Formally recognising the school as a participant in the Programme.
Supporting the designated lead/s in the school, including in-person support.
Providing access to events and competitions.
Providing a Programme toolkit.
Providing examples of best practice.
Conducting an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check for the Programme Manager in line with the Enactus UK Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.
Providing grant funding on a needs-assessed basis for the purpose of project development costs.
Granting licence to the school/college to use the NextGenLeaders logo for the purpose of reporting and promoting the programme activity, including on their website.
The school or college commits to:
Working with the Programme Manager to launch, develop and support the NextGenLeaders team/s in the delivery of their project/s.
Ensuring that involvement in the Programme is inclusive and not based on selection or academic achievement. Giving the opportunity to all students, particularly encouraging participation among students experiencing a barrier to learning and/or in receipt of pupil premium funding.
Attending/participating in the Programme Connect, Project Accelerator/s, and Celebration events during the year.
Promoting the work of all students involved in the Programme across the school and associated network to celebrate the achievements of the project team/s.
Providing a reasonable level of project update information to the Programme Manager on a
regular basis. -
Ensuring that parental consent forms are signed ahead of any participation in the Programme and any updates are communicated ahead of any community-based collaborations.
The designated lead contact in school will oversee the participating children’s health, safety, and well-being while part of the programme, including any hours spent in the community. Children will be made aware of who this person is and how to escalate any concerns.
Providing the changemakers with the necessary facilities to ensure they can participate in the programme, such as designated meeting times and space as well as members of staff to support
the Programme. -
Ensuring changemakers have access to the core resources and programme materials needed to develop a project such as presentations and issue cards.
Giving consent for the school’s name and logo to be featured on the NextGenLeaders’ website, social media, and promotional materials.
Ensuring that students do not contact members of the NextGenLeaders team directly, instead all communication comes through the designated member of staff.
Reading and abiding by Enactus UK’s Safeguarding and Child Protection policy.
The school or college’s main point of contact will be the Programme Manager.
The school or college agrees to their contact details being shared with Enactus UK Ltd. and will occasionally hear from Enactus UK Ltd. regarding relevant events and opportunities as part of
the Programme. -
The Programme Manager’s contact details will be shared with their designated school/college contacts to facilitate the working relationship.
All communications with parents and guardians are through the school, NextGenLeaders will not be involved with these correspondences.
All communication between the school and NextGenLeaders partner organisations/project partners must have a member of staff from NextGenLeaders copied in.
The relationships between the project teams/schools and the project partners belong to Enactus UK Ltd. Should the project/s end or the school exit the NextGenLeaders Programme, the relationship with the partner ends. Communication between the school and the project partner ends immediately and should not continue without the express permission of Enactus UK Ltd.
All media communications/opportunities must be communicated to NextGenLeaders at the earliest opportunity so that they can be celebrated on the NextGenLeaders social medica channels.
Enactus UK Ltd. collects anonymised data at the start of each academic year to ensure that the NextGenLeaders Programme is working towards the impact targets.
Schools taking part in the programme are expected to complete data captures at the start and end of the year in order to meet the deadlines to measure impact.
Some anonymised data may be shared with York St. John University.
When at NextGenLeaders events, schools commit to maintaining support for the care and safety of their students in any out-of-school settings where project delivery may take place - obtaining parental consent in all cases.
Access to Safeguarding and Child Protection policies is available below:
Should any party wish to amend the content of this MOU, they should discuss the proposed changes with the other party and both parties should agree before the amendment is included.
Should any dispute or disagreement arise during the duration of this MOU; the initial approach should be an informal discussion to highlight the issue and reach a resolution. If for any reason no resolution can be found, then both parties must agree to an action promptly. If required, the MOU can be made invalid through notification and agreement in writing by either party.
All data is handled in line with our privacy policy and the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. For further details and information please see https://www.nextgenleaders.co.uk/data-protection-policy
The parties affirm understand and agree to know the content of MOU.
It should be noted that by signing this document, the partners are not committing to legally binding obligations. It is intended that the partners remain independent of each other and that their collaboration and use of the term ‘partner’ does not constitute the creation of a legal entity, nor authorise the entry into a commitment for or on behalf of each other.